How To Setup GeoBlocking On Amazon Lightsail Server

When you are running a web application, it is always advisable that you monitor the incoming requests. Practically speaking if you check the web server logs, you will notice that most of the time your web server is getting hit by random IP address from all around the world. So you might consider to restrict […]

How To Setup OWASP ModSecurity CRS On AWS Lightsail WordPress Server

In my previous article, I explained the importance of ModSecurity module & how to set it up on a WordPress server running on AWS Lightsail. There us absolutely no doubt that ModSecurity acts as the initial line of defence to protect your website from various malicious web attacks. But ModSecurity alone is not enough to protect […]

How To Setup ModSecurity On AWS Lightsail WordPress Server

With the power of cloud and modern technologies, launching and running a personal wordpress website has become a piece of cake. A perfect example is running WordPress Bitnami stack on Amazon Web Services Lightsail service. But painfully it also means that these new advanced tools and technologies have open up a lot new avenues for […]

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